Terms and Conditions
- Account: You must provide accurate information during registration. You’re responsible for keeping your account secure.
- Access: Courses are for personal use only. Don’t share or reproduce content.
- Payment: All course fees must be paid in full, and we may change prices at any time.
- Cancellation: You can cancel at any time, but we don’t offer refunds for unused course content. Content Ownership: Course materials are owned by us and are protected by copyright.
- Prohibited Activities: Don’t use the site for illegal or harmful activities.
- Liability: We’re not responsible for any damages from using our courses or website.
- Privacy: Your data is protected as per our Privacy Policy.
- Changes: We can modify these terms anytime. Changes will be posted on the website.
Contact Us: If You’ve have concerns or queries regarding this Agreement, You may write to us by email at info@sensationzperformingarts.com.